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Dental myths busted and actual facts explained



Dental myths busted and actual facts explained
  1. Dental treatment is costly.

“A little neglect may breed great mischief” – Benjamin Franklin. Dental treatment is not as costly as self-negligence. A small black spot on your tooth, with no associated pain, may seem insignificant, but, is easier to treat and costs much less than you would have to pay due to neglect. This insignificant dark spot on your tooth, allows bacteria to fester and work its way down, eating away at your tooth slowly, leading to sensitivity, pain and furthering with infectious swelling – which costs more, to treat. A healthy dentition is the gateway to a healthy life and a beautiful Smile.

  1. Haggling over fees and cost of treatment.

“Positive effort is fairly rewarded”. Do you receive your salary in variables or a fixed slab? Do you have to haggle over receiving your salary with your Boss? It is your hard-earned money for which you have spent money and time learning everything to give the best output to your workplace. It is your effort that is being rewarded in the form of salary. A Doctor’s income is their salary, when you, as a patient haggle over that, it is showing disrespect to your Doctor. If the prices seem high, feel free to check with another doctor, but please do NOT haggle.

  1. Scaling removes the enamel layer.

A Dentist’s primary goal is to suggest treatments beneficial for the patient. If we knew that scaling removes the enamel layer, we would not suggest it. Scaling is more like you taking a bath and using a scrubber, it removes the dirt attached to your skin but doesn’t remove your skin. Similarly, scaling removes all the food debris which has hardened over a period of time, around your teeth and the discolouration due to lack of proper brushing. You can also approach your dentist to know how to maintain your teeth to avoid such accumulation of debris. *The normal suggestion is to visit your dentist once in every 6 months*

  1. Treatments for a child’s teeth are not important because they fall off anyway.

“Children are the future of any Society”. Inculcating positive attitude towards oral hygiene and proper maintenance of teeth is easier in a child than in an adult. The problems you are facing, as an adult, would have been much less if you were taken to a dentist as a child. Teaching a child to properly maintain their teeth and performing necessary dental treatments create a positive attitude towards Doctors and Dentists. As one rotten tomato has the ability to spoil a sack of tomatoes, similarly, 1 caries-affected tooth becomes the harbouring site for bacteria which spread to decay other teeth too. This allows bacterial count to remain high even when new, permanent teeth erupt, thus, causing the new teeth to be affected as well. After all, everyone admires a child’s innocent and wonderful Smile, help them to continue that Smile, always.

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Know the importance of Aquatic food




Know the importance of Aquatic food

Foods like salmon, lobster, and shrimp, are often categorized as “seafood.” Consider term aquatic foods (also called blue foods), which include any animals, plants, and micro-organisms that originate in bodies of water.

Aquatic foods can be framed or wild-caught, and are sourced from inland waters like lakes, rivers, and wetlands; coastal areas like estuaries, mangroves, or near-shore; an marine or ocean waters.Despite currently being an important contribution to healthy diets for billions of people globally, aquatic foods are often undervalued nutritionally because their diversity tends to be restricted to protein or energy value, or framed as a monolithic category of “seafood or fish.”

Examples are:

  1. Finfish-small pelagic fish (herring, sardine, anchovies), medium pelagic fish (bonito, mahi-mahi), large pelagic fish (tuna, swordfish), salmonids ( salmon, trout),craps, cichlids (tilapia), cods (cod, haddock, pollock), and demersal fish (flounder)
  2. Crustaceans-crabs,shrimp,krill,prawns,lobster
  3. Cephalopods-octopus,squid
  4. Mollusks- clams, cockles, sea snails, mussels, scallops
  5. Aquatic plants- water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)
  6. Algae –seaweed
  7. Other aquatic animals-mammals,insects,sea cucumbers
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What monkeypox does to you ?




What monkeypox does to you ?


Monkeypox is a viral disease of both animals and humans that causes symptoms similar to those of smallpox,though less severe. It is transmitted by the monkeypox virus, a member of the same virus family that causes smallpox and cowpox.The symptoms of monkeypox normally appear a week or two after exposure to the virus, though it can take longer in some cases.

Symptoms of monkeypox :

  1. Fever
  2. Chills
  3. Headache
  4. Achy muscles
  5. Backache
  6. Swollen lymph nodes
  7. Exhaustion

A rash can develop, often beginning on the face, then spreading to other parts of the body including the gentials.

Treatment :

Currently there is no treatment for monkeypox. However, monkey is self limiting, which means it can get better without treatment.Some medications can be used to control an outbreak and prevent the disease from spreading.

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What is tomato flu ?




What is tomato flu ?

Tomato flu:

Tomato flu is an unexplained virus mainly seen in the India state of kerala. It affects children below five years of age.It is also called tomato fever.


  1. Extremely high fever
  2. Body aches an pains
  3. Swelling of the joints
  4. Fatigue
  5. Rashes the size of tomatoes on the skin.
  6. Irritation in the mouth due to the medication.
  7. Hands, knees, and buttocks discoloration are standard.
  8. Some patients have also reported that worms have emerged from the blisters formed on their rashes.


  1. Tomato fever is contagious, if someone is infected with this flu, they need to be kept in isolation as this could spread rapidly from one person to another.
  2. It is essential to prevent children from scratching the blisters cause by the flu.
  3. Proper rest in hygiene is advised.
  4. Utensils, clothes and other items used by the infected persons must be sanitize to prevent the flu from spreading.
  5. Fluid intake would also help counteract dehydration.
  6. Most importantly, it is important to take your doctor’s advice, if you notice the above-mentioned symptoms.
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