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Here are the tips for working in a hybrid model ambience



Here are the tips for working in a hybrid model ambience

Covid-19 has changed our lives completely. Returning to our workplaces has always been a big question from last two years. Since, we all are getting used to the hybrid work environment, we just can’t ignore its impact on us. It is affecting us both physically and mentally.  Working online is actually increasing stress in us and so, we must focus on our health and should be considered as a priority.


  1. Keep yourself hydrated: Along with regular water, try including other healthy fluids like lemon-ginger-infused water, detox water, green smoothies, buttermilk, coconut water, protein shakes or even milk.
  2. Breathing exercises: Do few breathing exercises daily.
  3. Stretching: Take regular breaks, when you’re sitting and working on the laptop for extended hours. Get up and stretch your body.
  4. Wear computer glasses: Make sure to wear computer glasses and avoid the blue light affecting your eyesight
  5. Eat nutritious food: Include vegetables and fruits in every day meals.




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Know the importance of Aquatic food




Know the importance of Aquatic food

Foods like salmon, lobster, and shrimp, are often categorized as “seafood.” Consider term aquatic foods (also called blue foods), which include any animals, plants, and micro-organisms that originate in bodies of water.

Aquatic foods can be framed or wild-caught, and are sourced from inland waters like lakes, rivers, and wetlands; coastal areas like estuaries, mangroves, or near-shore; an marine or ocean waters.Despite currently being an important contribution to healthy diets for billions of people globally, aquatic foods are often undervalued nutritionally because their diversity tends to be restricted to protein or energy value, or framed as a monolithic category of “seafood or fish.”

Examples are:

  1. Finfish-small pelagic fish (herring, sardine, anchovies), medium pelagic fish (bonito, mahi-mahi), large pelagic fish (tuna, swordfish), salmonids ( salmon, trout),craps, cichlids (tilapia), cods (cod, haddock, pollock), and demersal fish (flounder)
  2. Crustaceans-crabs,shrimp,krill,prawns,lobster
  3. Cephalopods-octopus,squid
  4. Mollusks- clams, cockles, sea snails, mussels, scallops
  5. Aquatic plants- water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)
  6. Algae –seaweed
  7. Other aquatic animals-mammals,insects,sea cucumbers
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What monkeypox does to you ?




What monkeypox does to you ?


Monkeypox is a viral disease of both animals and humans that causes symptoms similar to those of smallpox,though less severe. It is transmitted by the monkeypox virus, a member of the same virus family that causes smallpox and cowpox.The symptoms of monkeypox normally appear a week or two after exposure to the virus, though it can take longer in some cases.

Symptoms of monkeypox :

  1. Fever
  2. Chills
  3. Headache
  4. Achy muscles
  5. Backache
  6. Swollen lymph nodes
  7. Exhaustion

A rash can develop, often beginning on the face, then spreading to other parts of the body including the gentials.

Treatment :

Currently there is no treatment for monkeypox. However, monkey is self limiting, which means it can get better without treatment.Some medications can be used to control an outbreak and prevent the disease from spreading.

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What is tomato flu ?




What is tomato flu ?

Tomato flu:

Tomato flu is an unexplained virus mainly seen in the India state of kerala. It affects children below five years of age.It is also called tomato fever.


  1. Extremely high fever
  2. Body aches an pains
  3. Swelling of the joints
  4. Fatigue
  5. Rashes the size of tomatoes on the skin.
  6. Irritation in the mouth due to the medication.
  7. Hands, knees, and buttocks discoloration are standard.
  8. Some patients have also reported that worms have emerged from the blisters formed on their rashes.


  1. Tomato fever is contagious, if someone is infected with this flu, they need to be kept in isolation as this could spread rapidly from one person to another.
  2. It is essential to prevent children from scratching the blisters cause by the flu.
  3. Proper rest in hygiene is advised.
  4. Utensils, clothes and other items used by the infected persons must be sanitize to prevent the flu from spreading.
  5. Fluid intake would also help counteract dehydration.
  6. Most importantly, it is important to take your doctor’s advice, if you notice the above-mentioned symptoms.
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