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Can Alzheimer’s be prevented by plant-based diet ?



Can Alzheimer’s be prevented by plant-based diet ?

There is compelling research pointing to a plant-based diet as an influencing factor in preventing many cases of alzheimer’s  by promoting brain health an overall health. By combining diet with getting enough sleep, being physically active, not smoking and actively learning new skills, we can give our brain and bodies the best care.

This same diet with a healthy life style can prevent overweight and obesity that contribute to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Studies show these diseases contribute to the development of alzheimer’s.

These are known as brain foods :

  1. Herbs and spices
  2. Leafy greens
  3. Other vegetables
  4. Fruits
  5. Legumes
  6. Whole grains
  7. Nuts and seeds
  8. Oils
  9. Proteins
  10. Fermented foods and others


What is Nystagmus ?




What is Nystagmus ?


Nystagmus is an eye condition characterized by rapid, jerking eye movements. A number of different neurological illnesses can cause nystagmus. Nystagmus is detected during a physical examination that involves an eye evaluation. It may be an early sign of a neurological condition such as multiple sclerosis (MS) or it can develop as an already established neurological illness progresses.


  1. Dizziness
  2. Vertigo ( a feeling that the room is spinning or that you are spinning )
  3. Diminished balance
  4. Nausea or vomiting
  5. Double or blurred vision
  6. Headaches
  7. Irritability
  8. A sense that visible objects are rhythmically jumping


  1. Twirling
  2. Strabismus
  3. Meniere’s disease
  4. Multiple sclerosis
  5. Brain tumor
  6. Labyrinthitis
  7. Stroke
  8. Paraneoplastic
  9. Congenital defect
  10. Medications
  11. Alcohol
  12. Trauma
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What is brain fog?




What is brain fog ?

Brain fog:

It is actually a term used to describe the feeling of being mentally sluggish and fuzzy. It is not a medical condition.It can be symptom of other health condition.Brain fog feels like a lack of mental clarity; it can affect your ability to focus and make it difficult for you to recall things.

Causes for brain fog:

  1. Lack of sleep
  2. Depression
  3. dementia
  4. Perimenopause
  5. Medication
  6. Hormonal condition – such as thyroid disorders
  7. Chronic health condition – such as multiple sclerosis
  8. Nutrient deficiencies –such as a vitamin B12 deficiency
  9. Viral infection- such as covid -19, SARS, and H1N1

Symptoms of brain fog:

If you have brain fog, you may have difficulty with cognitive functions, such as :

  1. Focusing on a thought or idea
  2. Recalling things
  3. Multitasking
  4. Following conversations
  5. Paying attention to your surroundings
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Know the early signs of Alzheimer’s




Know the early signs of Alzheimer's

According to the research that is published in Alzheimer’s Association’s 2022, Alzheimer’s Disease facts and figures report, mild cognitive impairment is a early stage of memory loss. There are also other cognitive ability losses. For example: Language or visual/spatial perception. There are certain signs and these signs are serious enough to be noticed by the affected person and their loved ones. Yet affected person can perform most of their daily activities by their own with the minimum ability reminded. This impairment is also known as MCI. There are different types of MCI’s. People may get confused this condition with normal aging. People may also develop dementia due to this condition.

Depending on the type of MCI condition people may have,

  1. Trouble remembering conversations
  2. Maintaining their thoughts during a conversations
  3. Keeping track of things.
  4. Navigating a usually familiar place or completing everyday tasks. For example: paying the bills.
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