These spices are likely to reduce disease severity 



Amidst these uncertain and challenging times due to the deadly impact of Covid-19, we all need to improve our stamina and build the strongest immunity system. And when we talk about disease fighting ability, the most common kitchen ingredients (Spices) come into the picture.

Yes, spices!

Because they are likely to reduce the disease severity and help us to put up a great fight against them. Below are the spices that play a major role. Give a quick read.

Ginger: For sure, this is a miraculous ingredient and a perfect fix for flu, cold, cough and fever.

Dhania: This fights infections and helps us with indigestion and anxiety too.

Elaichi: This tasty spice helps us to flush out phlegm, irritable mucosal secretions clogging the passage in our body.

Kali Mirch: Fondly referred as ‘King of Spices’. It’s active compounds have a role in boosting white blood cells, which your body uses to fight off invading bacteria and viruses.

Long pepper: Also known as Pippali and tridoshic herb, it suits all body types and immunes your system. It is good for depression and diabetes.

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