
Does Lemon Water Help You Lose Weight ?



Many suggest us to consume lemon water to lose the fat. But, does the lemon water really help to lose weight ? Well, we say yes. Also, drinking lemon water helps to shed those extra kilos around the belly. Note that the lemon fat is fat free and thus a widely preferred drink for weight loss. Above all, it cleanses the system and removes toxins from the body.

Lemon Water For Weight Loss :

We say, kick start your day with a glass of water with lemon juice added to it. Drink the same on empty stomach for better results. Just squeeze a slice of lemon in a glass full of water. Note that usually a lemon comes with 11 calories and when you add the same for one glass of water, it becomes 5.5 calories. This is why it is called calorie free. Also, you will get Vitamin C to your body.

While several people suggest to add sweeteners like sugar and honey to the lemon water, we say it is not good as they add up calories to the drink. One tablespoon of sugar adds nearly 45 calories, honey manages to add 64 calories to the same. So, it is better to drink just water and lemon juice.

How To Make Lemon Water :

Wondering as how to make the lemon water ? It is super simple. Just check out.
1. Take a glass of water (warm or cold). Do it as per your choice.
2. Then squeeze the slice of water in the water
3. In case, if you want add sweeteners, then go for honey or a tablespoon of sugar.
4. Also, you can go for detox plan with the same as there are many lemon water recipes available for you.
5. You can add cucumber to lemon water or add ginger and mint to the same.

Benefits Of Lemon Water :

There are several benefits of drinking lemon water and we have listed them below. Take a look.

1. Weight Loss : Want to lose weight ? Then start drinking lemon water as it helps to lose the weight as it is calorie free. It is good to drink it on the empty stomach. Also, it boosts the immunity power ad metabolism of your body.

2. Belly Fat : Another added advantage of drinking the lemon water is that it reduces the belly fat.

3. Cleanses Your System : The lemon water helps to cleanse your system by removing wastes from the body as it cleanses your liver. This also suppresses your appetite and helps stimulate the functioning of the liver.

4. Boosts Immune System : The lemon water is a wonderful drink that boosts the immunity power in our bodies. It also increases your energy levels as it is rich in Vitamin C. The condition of your body improves a lot with its essential nutrients and minerals.

5. For Glowing And Healthy Skin : Drinking lemon water is a good idea to get glowing and healthy skin as it is packed with most essential – Vitamin C. The lemon juice also reduces the blemishes and gives your clear skin. In fact, it is a natural bleach and one can use the same as a home remedy for certain skin related issues.

6. Aids Digestion : The lemon water is too good for digestion. As it includes a good package of nutrients, minerals and vitamins in to our bodies, it helps to improve the digestion activity.


Conclusion :

All we say is that lemon water, acts like a detox drink that helps you to cleanse your system. Drink the lemon water daily for better results.

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