
7 day diet plan to lose weight



Looking for a diet plan to lose weight in a week ? Then you should read this piece. This article explains you about the 7 day diet plan that helps to lose weight without any side effects. Also, this 7 day diet plan is harmless so any one can follow it but make sure you are doing to properly and carefully. Read on.

Your 7 Day Diet Guide To Lose Weight :

This 7 day diet plan is packed with list of foods that you should take in. It is also called as the GM Diet plan. Read it carefully and implement the same.

1. First Day :

Before Breakfast ( 6 am to 6.30 am) : Soon after waking up, drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice or honey. This helps your system to cleanse. Follow this regularly throughout the 7 day diet plan.

Breakfast (8 am) : Start your day with some healthy breakfast. Eat an apple.

After Breakfast (11 am) : After breakfast, indulge in some healthy snack like – half a bowl of sliced cantaloupe.

Lunch (12 m to 2 pm) : For lunch, eat a bowl of watermelon pieces. Do not forget to drink water.

Evening Snack (5 pm) : Try to eat an evening snack. You can go for a fruit – apple or orange.

Dinner ( 8 pm to 9 pm) : For dinner, eat sliced cantaloupe and a guava.

2. Second Day : 

Breakfast : Eat a boiled potato. Also you can eat a teaspoon of low fat butter.

After Breakfast : Indulge in a salad that is filled with lettuce and cabbage.

Lunch : In the lunch, eat a salad of onions, carrots and cucumbers.

After Lunch : Eat a bowl of – half cup sliced bell pepper and another cup of boiled broccoli

Evening Snack : Munch on some boiled cauliflower.

Dinner : Go for a salad that is full of green beans, broccoli and boiled carrots.

3. Third Day :

Breakfast : An apple and a half bowl of cantaloupe

After Breakfast : A pear and a half a sliced Pineapple

Lunch : Go for a salad of carrots, lettuce and cucumber

Post Lunch : Indulge in with an orange and half a sliced cantaloupe

Evening Snack : Eat a pear

Lunch : Eat beets and boiled broccoli.

4. Fourth Day :

Breakfast : Eat two bananas and drink a glass of milk

After Breakfast : Go for a banana shake. Also you can add half spoon of honey.

Lunch : Go for a bowl of diet soup.

Post Lunch : Indulge in a banana milkshake

Evening Snack : Eat two bananas (small size preferred)

Dinner : Eat two bananas and drink a glass of milk

5. Fifth Day :

Breakfast : Eat kidney beans and a cup of tomatoes.

After Breakfast : Eat a cup of yogurt

Lunch : Go for a bowl of brown rice, two tomatoes or chicken breast or fish

Post Lunch : Eat a salad of onions and sprouts

Evening Snack : Eat an apple or orange or a pear

Dinner : Go for a diet soup

6. Sixth Day :

Breakfast : Eat a bowl of boiled vegetables

After Breakfast : Eat a bowl of tomato pieces and boiled kidney beans.

Lunch : You can eat a bowl of brown rice or fish or chicken breast. Also include the diet soup

Post Lunch : Go for 4 baby carrots

Evening Snack : Indulge in a bowl of diet soup

Dinner : Eat a bowl of boiled vegetables

7. Seventh Day : 

Breakfast : Eat a mixed vegetable salad and drink a glass of apple or orange juice

After Breakfast : Eat a bowl of diet soup and few carrot pieces

Lunch : Eat a cup of brown rice with some boiled vegetables

Post Lunch : Go for few carrots and a glass of Kiwi juice

Evening Snack : Eat a bowl of vegetable salad

Dinner : Go for a bowl of diet soup


Other Tips :

Along with the above mentioned 7 day diet plan that is packed with fruits, you need to follow certain tips as well. Take a look at the tips below.

1. Make sure that you are drinking lots of water. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.

2. Don’t drink alcohol

3. And importantly, do not cheat on the meals during the 7 day diet plan

4. For better results just stick to fruits and lots of water

5. Also, one should exercises like – neck rotation, Surya Namskar, shoulder rotation, squats, crunches, sit ups, arms circles, wrist rotation, air cycling and face exercise during this 7 day diet plan.

6. Before kick starting the 7 day diet plan or GM diet, consult the doctor in case if you have any health related issues.

Conclusion :

Just follow the above mentioned 7 day diet plan or GM diet for a week and see the better results of losing weight. But do not do this 7 day diet plan continuously as it is not a healthy idea. Make sure that you are following the GM diet plan under supervision if you are suffering with any health issue.

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