
Include these 10 foods and get glowing skin



Just by eating right, one can get healthy and glowing skin. Yes, you heard us! All we say is that the best way to get and keep a glowing skin is to include natural foods and products in your diet. So, we bought you this piece  that tells you to what foods to eat to maintain healthy skin. Give a quick read.

  1. Green tea: This wonder drink is rich in antioxidants. EGCG in green tea has anti inflammatory and anti androgenic property, helps in improving acne. On topical application, Caffeine in green tea improves puffiness around the eyes. It hydrates the skin and prevents wrinkle formation.
  2. Dark chocolate: Cocoa in dark chocolate is good for your skin! Also, one can use cocoa powder for few weeks to hydrate your skin. So, one who consume cocoa have healthy skin
  3. Walnuts: Walnuts consist of essential fatty acids, sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids along with Vitamin E and C, protein and selenium. Skin requires zinc to function good and walnuts contain considerable amounts of it.
  4. Fish: Fish contains Vitamin E and this one of the most important antioxidants for the skin because it protects against damage by free radicals. Also, the zinc in fatty fish reduces inflammation and produces new skin cells.
  5. Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are packed with beat-carotene and this gives a warm orange colour to the skin, making it look much healthier. Also, it acts as a natural sunblock and keep the skin healthy.
  6. Avocados: Also, Avocados are great source of Vitamin C, which works best for skin and protects from oxidative damage that is caused due to the sun.
  7. Broccoli: Broccoli consists of a carotenoid called lutein, which prevents skin from drying and wrinkling. It also contains sulforaphane that might even fight skin cancer. Also, it is good for immunity and fights against the sun damage.
  8. Yogurt: Yogurt helps a lot in maintaining the firmness of the skin and makes the complexion smooth. So, consume a single serving of yogurt each day to avoid dry, sensitive or irritable skin.
  9. Bell peppers: Bell peppers, especially red and yellow are packed with Vitamin C and beta-carotene and they protect the skin against sun and keep it firm and tight.
  10. Red wine: Red wine consist antioxidants known as polyphenols that fight free radicals. Also, note that consuming more than one glass of red wine daily might make your skin dry, lead to wrinkles and decrease Vitamin A levels in the body. So, prefer just one glass a day.

For further information and consultation:

Dr. Ch. Sree Vasavi

MD, DVL – Dermatologist & Cosmotologist

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