This is how nutrition helps against COVID-19 pandemic



More than 2,500 years ago, Hippocrates said: “Let food be the medicine and medicine be the food.” Both nutrient intake and incidence of the disease usually influence the nutritional status particularly of developing nations, where everyone is striving for food. Inadequate diet and infectious diseases can lead to severe malnutrition.

Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is the leading challenge across the globe, therefore scientists and researchers are attempting to create a specific vaccine for this virus but to no avail so far. Even if they were able to find the vaccination method, there is a high possibility that other antimicrobial resistant infections will prevail in society. So, nutritional status is very important to maintain a strong immune system against the virus.

Certain factors such as lifestyle, age, health status, sex, and medications affect the nutritional status of an individual.During the COVID-19 pandemic, the nutritional status of individuals has been used as a measure of resilience toward destabilization.Optimal nutrition and dietary nutrient intake impact the immune system through gene expression, cell activation, and signaling molecules modification. In addition, various dietary ingredients are determinants of gut microbial composition and subsequently shape the immune responses in the body.Therefore the existing evidence suggests that the only sustainable way to survive in the current situation is to strengthen the immune system. An adequate intake of zinc, iron, and vitamins A, B 12, B6, C, and E is essential for the maintenance of immune function. In the current scenario, COVID-19 has imposed a new set of challenges for the individual to maintain a healthy diet.

For further information and consultation:

Doctor name: B Sirisha

Department:Nutrition & Dietetics.


Women & Child Health ( Gyneac and Pediatric)

Timings-9am to 8 pm

Off days:Sunday

Degree: Masters in Nutrition & Dietetics,

Dip in Public Health mannagement,

(Oncology certified dietician,

IAPEN Diabetes core committee member)

For any queries , kindly email to drtidybiz@gmail.com

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