
What happens if you do surya namaskar everyday?



Surya namaskar:

Surya namaskar is the sanskrit name for a specific sequence of twelve yoga asana,otherwise known as a sun salutation.It is one of the most widely known yoga practices,incorporated into several different traditions such as:

  1. Hatha yoga
  2. Vinyasa yoga
  3. Ashtanga yoga

If you perform surya namaskar daily:

  1. Helps with weight loss
  2. Strengthens muscles and joints
  3. Improved complexion
  4. Ensures a better functioning of digestive system
  5. Helps to combat insomnia
  6. Ensures regular menstrual cycle
  7. Useful in treatment of frozen shoulders
  8. Brings down blood sugar levels
  9. Spinal cord and abdominal muscles are stretched
  10. Strengthens your back


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