
Try Adhomukha Swanasana for immense benefits



Ever heard of Adhomukha Swanasana? If not, here it is!

English Name: Downward Facing Dog Stretch

Meaning: Adho means downward, mukha means face and swana means dog. A dog bends forward in the same posture, that’s why the name is Adhomukha Swanasana.


  1. People suffering from spondylitis or neck pain should avoid this Asana.
  2. Pregnant ladies should avoid this Asana.


  1. Reduces stress and depression
  2. Improves the digestive system.
  3. Beneficial for people who are suffering from Sciatica and Sinusitis.
  4. Beneficial for women who suffer from menopause.
  5. This Asana also strengthens the ankles


  1. Lie on your stomach
  2. Both the legs should be close to each other.
  3. Take a deep inhale and during exhalation come to the position as shown in the diagram
  4. Both your palms and feet should be flat on the ground and they should be stretched completely.
  5. Do not bend your hands or legs.
  6. Kindly do not raise your feet.
  7. Take your head inside and hold in the posture for 1 min.
  8. Concentrate on your breathing and maintain a gentle smile on your face.
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