Tooth dislodged? Here’s what you should and shouldn’t do



The natural smile with your teeth is evergreen and must be kept safe at all times. There is no replacement for a natural tooth. Often, due to various different circumstances, especially due to a fall or hit to the face, one or more teeth may be dislodged and may come out of its original position. Your dentist can save that tooth if you meet your dentist within a specific time.

The first hour after your tooth/teeth have been dislodged from your mouth is the most important hour to save your tooth/teeth. Here are a few things which you can do at home or from the nearest location, where the incident has occurred.


  1. Pick the tooth from the crown portion and wash with Milk or Distilled Water.
  2. After cleaning, try to put it back in the mouth and apply gentle pressure by placing a gauze/cotton roll and biting on it.
  3. In case you are unable to bite on it, take a container and collect Own Saliva, OR, pour some milk and place the tooth in the container.
  4. Maintain moist environment for the tooth and go to your nearest Dentist within 1 hour.


  1. Pick the tooth from the root portion.
  2. Wash with Tap water.
  3. Keep the tooth in a dry environment.

Under any/either circumstance of replacing the tooth in the socket, please meet your nearest Dentist for further solutions.

If there is a delay of more than the hour, the Dentist can still place your tooth back, in the socket, within 8 hours after doing further protocol and will inform you of further treatment options.

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