
What to feed your baby in year one ?



  1. At 4 – 6 months Start feeding solids: It is a recommended time, to start feeding your baby solids but before starting solids your baby should be able to sit up (with support )turn their head away, and make chewing motions.
  2. Keep going with breast milk: Remember you are just introducing solids, you are not eliminating milk or not changing their diet.It will happens gradually.
  3. Start fruits and vegetables at a time: Fruits, vegetables, grains and even pureed meats can all be on the menu for your may want to introduce them one at a time to see how they react to the flavor and texture and to make sure no allergies develop.
  4. Avoid milk and honey: Most pediatricians say you should wait until after your baby’s first birthday to start offering cow’s milk.That’s because nutritionally it doesn’t measure up to mother’s milk and don’t give honey to your baby because of a possible botulism risk that a baby’s developing immune system can’t fend off.
  5. Try finger foods when baby is ready: Around 9 months or so, your baby will be able to pick small pieces of soft table food to eat.some great “finger foods” include ripe banana pieces, cooked chunks of carrots, cottage cheese, well-cooked pasta, dry cereal,an scramble eggs.


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