Most common myths about menstruation busted



Women are definitely no new to the “so-called” tips on menstruation from people around. But when you give a serious thought to these assumptions, you will understand the truths. So, we have come up with the three most common myths about menstruation you’ve been believing so far. Give a quick read and also empower the others, who doesn’t know.

1. You can’t get pregnant if you have sex during your period: Well, this is one of the most common myth you would have heard for sure. But that’s definitely not the case. Ovulation occurs after a period ends. But if a woman has an irregular period cycle, a shorter one or bleeds longer than she normally would – then it’s possible that her fertility window couple collide with her period.

2. You can’t eat nuts and seeds: We are super sure that you would have heard not to eat nuts and seeds during your period because they generate heat in the body. But on the contrary we highly recommend you to include them in your meals as they are great sources of protein, minerals and healthy fat. These help in battling the menstrual pain and gives you ample energy. Interestingly, they help control your sugar cravings.

3. Exclude sour food: Do you believe that eating sour food will worsen menstrual cramps? Well, absolutely NO. we say it is a common myth and suggest you to include all cereals, pulses, nuts, fruits, vegetables even though they are sour because they are important for your body especially during menstruation to provide you energy.

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