Here is how you can help someone having panic attack



In this fast-paced world with high pressure work environments in particular, panic attacks have become so common and it is definitely not a secret. Panic attacks are nothing but a sudden and intense rush of fear for brief moments. The attacks may not sound very dangerous but they are!

To everyone’s shock, the Panic attack triggers aren’t always easy to identify, so people who have one attack often worry about having more, especially in public.

When one experiences panic attacks, they usually feel very uncomfortable and cause significant distress as well. Many people unknowingly believe they’re experiencing a heart attack or other life-threatening issue.

Symptoms of panic attacks:

1. Shaking

2. Pounding heart

3. Intense fear

4. Sweating

5. Difficulty in breathing

6. Head and chest pain

So, when someone is having a panic attack, it is always advisable to help them and be with them till they feel normal. We have summed up the list of things you can do. Give a quick read.

1. Remain calm and don’t stress about it much

2. Know the warning signs

3. Ask how you can help

4. Help them stay grounded

5. Validate their stress

6. Be mindful of your words

7. Respect their situation and needs

8. Don’t give advice

9. Don’t shame or criticize

10. Above all, focus on action rather than on words

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