Food cravings? Blame your gut!



No one can resist food cravings and it is an open secret but do you know that your gut is responsible for those cravings? Well, the answer is yes!

A recent study, conducted by researchers at University of Pittsburgh, found that “the microbes in animals’ guts influence what they choose to eat, making substances that prompt cravings for different kinds of foods.”

The findings of this study, conducted on mice, were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“While the idea of the microbiome affecting your behaviour may sound far-fetched, it’s no surprise for scientists. Your gut and your brain are in constant conversation, with certain kinds of molecules acting as go-betweens. These by-products of digestion signal that you’ve eaten enough food or maybe that you need certain kinds of nutrients. But microbes in the gut can produce some of those same molecules, potentially hijacking that line of communication and changing the meaning of the message to benefit themselves”, the study reads.


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