
Know the importance of Yoga




The term yoga in the western world refers to the modern form of Hatha yoga and poster based physical fitness, stress relief and relaxation technique. It consists of number of Asanas. Yoga was first mentioned in the Rigveda. Many experts agree that yoga works in different ways to bring about a healthy weight.

Yoga recharges the body with cosmic energy and facilitates:

  1. It promotes self-healing
  2. It increases the self-awareness
  3. It helps to increase focus, concentration and attention in children
  4. It enhances personal power
  5. It helps in attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony
  6. It helps to remove negative blocks from the mind
  7. It helps to reduce stress and physical body by activating the parasympathetic nervous system
  8. It helps to remove toxins from body
  9. It helps to lose weight


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