Womens Wellness

Home remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy



We all know that body changes rapidly during the pregnancy and one may face little difficulties during the journey. One such thing is swollen feet! And for sure, many pregnant women experience this. It is good to know that the common causes of feet swelling are physiological, decrease protein levels, hypertension in pregnancy. In this, piece, we will let you know the simple home remedies to come out of this discomfort. Give a quick read.

Tips for swollen feet during pregnancy:

1. Drink more water because it actually works. If your body thinks you’re dehydrated, it will hold on to even more fluid to try to compensate.
2. Reduce caffeine intake because it is a diuretic, which causes you to pee more, which then makes your body think it needs to hold on to fluid.
3. Elevate your feet and rest whenever possible
4. Go on a walk for couple of times a day as it can help improve your circulation, which helps reduce swelling.
5. Get a massage because it helps circulate the fluids that tend to accumulate in your feet, which will in turn reduce swelling.
6. Prefer loose clothing instead of tight fittings as these clothes help the blood circulation better.
7. Reduce sodium (salt) intake
8. Increase potassium intake like bananas, spinach, salmon, lentils etc
9. Try to stay in cool environments
10. Wear comfortable shoes

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