Physical Fitness

Is a double chin bothering you? Effective exercises to get rid of that extra fat



Do you wish for a sleek and prominent jawline but your double chin is coming in the way? Worry not because we have a solution for you. Double chin is also known as submental fat. Contrary to popular belief, a double chin is not necessarily an indicator of weight gain or obesity. While obese and overweight people are at high risk of developing a double chin, it is also often a consequence of genetics or loosened skin. Some common causes of a double chin may include age, weight, genetics, and posture. Among the solutions, common treatment methods include exercise, dietary regulation, and surgery.

Exercises for double chin

Here are some exercises that can help you get rid of a double chin:

Jaw rotation: You can do this exercise in the following steps:

  • This exercise requires you to rotate your jaw in different directions.
  • Start by stretching your lower jaw outward.
  • Then bring it to your left, and then bring it inward.
  • Now bring your lower jaw to your right.
  • Repeat the steps in one direction and then alternate directions.

The air kiss: You can do this exercise in the following steps:

  • Stand in a comfortable position.
  • Look up with your lips puckered as if trying to kiss.
  • Stretch your neck upwards and kiss the air.
  • Hold it for 10 seconds and coke to the initial position.
  • Repeat the steps at least 5 times.
  • Make sure that you don’t strain your neck.

Ball exercise: You can do this exercise in the following steps:

  • Take a ball small enough to fit under your chin.
  • Place it under your chin and press your jaw against it.
  • You will feel resistance and muscle stretch.
  • Hold for 10 seconds, relax, and repeat.
  • You can do this exercise anytime you are free.

Nose touch: You can do this exercise in the following steps:

  • Sit in a comfortable position.
  • Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.
  • Stretch your tongue as far as possible.
  • Now move your stretched tongue upward and try touching your nose with it.
  • Hold the position for at least 5 seconds and relax.
  • Repeat the steps 10 times.

Wide mouth: You can do this exercise in the following steps:

  • Open your mouth wide.
  • Stretch and open your nostrils as well.
  • You must feel your face muscles stretched.
  • Hold the pose for 5 seconds and close your mouth.
  • Repeat the steps at least 10 times.


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