Physical Fitness

Here are the tips for running better




Running is a cardio exercise that is easily accessible. Running daily may have some health benefits, like it helps to reduce your risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other common diseases. It also improves fitness, burns calories, and can build strength. Running is also a great way to help and improve cardiovascular health.


  1. Warm up gently and avoid doing intense warming up sessions.
  2. Listen to your body, take rest, if needed.
  3. Consult an expert and know the distance that you should cover
  4. Avoid eating large meal before running.
  5. Avoid running for at least three hours after the meal.
  6. Drink at least half a litre water before running.
  7. Do not dehydrate your body.
  8. Begin your run in a relaxed and easy manner.
  9. Avoid catching up high speed immediately and gradually increase your speed.
  10. Avoid running on a hard surface, it may hurt your knees.
  11. Run on ground or specially designed tracks made for the runners.
  12. After running, cool down and stretch thoroughly. It will help you avoid pains.



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