
Six Ayurvedic Ways To Deal With Child Diabetes



Eating Right
Usually, people tend to eat too many times a day. But Ayurveda recommends two meals in a day, at the most 3, is ideal since eating too often can tax the pancreas, forcing it to release too much insulin, which can lead to insulin resistance. Though everyone can’t stick to a two-time meal regime, since that will vary based on the type of Diabetes. Foods with sugar or a high glycemic index obviously need to be avoided. If you want to give rice to your child, make sure the rice is older than 10 years. Old rice is consumable for diabetics.

According to Ayurveda, mostly all fruits and vegetables, in limited quantities, are allowed. Some fruits like berries and pomegranates are recommended for diabetics. Bitter gourd and Indian blackberry are very useful in controlling blood sugar levels. Children can also have One apple a day. There need not be too many restrictions on food for children, which can make it stressful.

Managing The Body Clock
The 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to 3 scientists for their work on circadian rhythms (or the internal clocks) governing human life. Our inner bio clock helps the body adapt to the different conditions outside and inside of the body. And living in alignment with these clocks keeps our body healthy. Our traditional system of medicine has since time immemorial recommended fixed meal times, and fixed hours of sleep in order to stay in tune with the body’s cycles. This regularity is much needed for children, particularly if they are in the pre-diabetic stage.

Herbs To Help Children Deal With The Condition
Amla and turmeric are good for not only increasing immunity but also keeping complications from building up. Medicines like Mehantaka Vati and Nisha Malaki are a combination of these two herbs and are regularly prescribed in Ayurveda. Amla significantly boosts insulin production.

Regular Detox
Periodic detoxing the body leads the body’s natural bio intelligence to fall into place and supports healing. Panchakarma cleanses can help here. Vasti, an ancient Ayurvedic technique is known to manage sugar levels in the body and revs up metabolism.

Move it!
Children need to be outside, playing physical games. They need more playground time and less screen time. Yoga, SKY technique for children and meditation and other forms of exercise are some of the most effective ways to manage stress, another major trigger for Diabetes.

Yoga Asanas You Can Try:
Here are some Asanas and Pranayamas that can help children:
• Bhujangasana
• Salabhasana
• Dhanurasana
• Paschimottanasana
• Sarvangasana
• Halasana
• Jal Neti and Kapalbhati practices can also help
• Pranayamas such as Nadi Shodhana, Ujjayi and Chandra Bhedana can be very powerful ways of reducing stress and pressure in children.


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