
Want to lose weight? Try Makhana!



Also know as Lotus Seeds, fox nut or more commonly know as Makhana, Tamara Ginjalu in Telugu need no introduction at all. They are easily available and are consumed during fasting due to its amazing health benefits. Here is what makes Lotus Seeds so special and how they can help you lose weight.

Aids in weight loss: 

Lotus Seeds are a rich source of protein and fibre and thus they make for a healthy addition to the diet. The protein in lotus seeds makes you feel fuller for longer, helps curb appetite and thus reduce the consumption of number of calories.

Rich in Antioxidants:

Makhana is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids and may have anti-inflammatory properties, which is good for heart health. They also promotes skin health as well.

Manages Blood sugar: 

Foxnuts have a low glycemic index and multiple studies have proved that they have a beneficial effect in regulating healthy blood glucose levels.

Supports bone health:

Also, they are rich in calcium and magnesium, which are essential in maintaining bone health. Add them to your diet for healthier bones, teeth and management of conditions such as joints problems and osteoporosis.


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