We still have a long way to go!



We invite the inhabitants of the entire universe to attend the naming ceremony of our grand child.

This invitation has been sent by Coronavirus 19. 2020 had been a very severe blow by a very tiny organism, even the so called heavy weights with all the nuclear weapons, huge armies and unprecedented lies had come to a nought.

Whether they call us a Delta, Delta plus, Delta plus2 in future, make no mistake, Mr. And Mrs. Coronavirus the hosts thundered, we will always remain a step ahead of humans. History repeats at regular intervals. For checks and balances the Almighty has created countless creatures.

The humans have learned quite a lot. Distancing, hand washing and wearing of masks. The loop holes still remain in some countries like spitting and not eliminating mosquitoes. And above all illegal sex with multiple partners.

We, the viruses will always try to find a loop hole and thrive. Mutations are natural for us and we promise to always keep a step ahead of you. Shortly, we will become history and we sincerely hope that we stop creating havoc again. Meanwhile stop telling lies, help the poor and spread compassion.

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