Now one can diagnose heart attacks in minutes



Heart attack is a very serious and dangerous health condition. It would be great to identify it before and get treatment on time. Now, a team of researchers has developed a sensor that could diagnose a heart attack in less than 30 minutes.

The study showed that, by targeting three distinct types of microRNA or miRNA, the new sensor can distinguish between an acute heart attack and a reperfusion — the restoration of blood flow, or reperfusion injury and requires less blood than traditional diagnostic methods to do so.

“The technology developed for this sensor showcases the advantage of using miRNA compared to protein-based biomarkers, the traditional diagnostic target,” said Hsueh-Chia Chang from the University of Notre Dame.

“Additionally, the portability and cost efficiency of this device demonstrates the potential for it to improve how heart attacks and related issues are diagnosed in clinical settings and in developing countries,” Chang added.


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