How many steps should one take in a day?



We are all aware of the importance of physical fitness in our lives and many advise us to start it with step count, in fact, it is a very good suggestion. But what would be the ideal step count for you in a day? Well, let us explain.

As a result, the CDC recommend that most adults aim for 10,000 steps per day and for many people, this is the equivalent of about 8 kilometers, or 5 miles.

Before knowing the ideal step count, take a look at the benefits of walking.

1. Improves blood flow

2. Improves breathing

3. Good for mood and sleep

4. Improves muscle strength

5. Good for flexibility

For weight loss: The number of steps to take for weight loss can vary depending on an individual’s current weight, food intake, and target weight. However, 10,000 steps is a good goal for most people.

For age group 3-5 years: The CDC recommend that children aged 3–5 years remain physically active throughout the day. So, it is little unclear about their step count.

For age group 6-17 years: 12,000 steps may be a helpful goal for people in this age group. The CDC state that children and adolescents aged 6–17 years should get at least 60 minutes of aerobic and strengthening exercise per day.

Adults: 7,000–8,000 steps may be sufficient for older adults to see significant benefits from walking.

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