Chronic diseases can be reduced by reducing the sodium intake



Sodium-intake regulation:

About 500 gms of salt intake daily is said to be important for our body functioning. It is an integral part of our daily diet. It not just provides the taste but it also improves the experience of our food.

However excess intake of salt can increase the risk of various illnesses. It recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to have less than 5 gm of sodium intake, by adults.

 High Blood-pressure:

High blood pressure or hypertension can be caused by taking excess of salt. It often does not have any symptoms and can cause our bodies to hold onto more water, which causes larger volumes of blood to flow through the blood vessels and the arteries. Hence it increases the pressure on the blood vessels, which makes the heart work harder to pump blood to various parts of the body, leading to the blood pressure.

Heart failure:

Food which is rich in sodium especially processed and fast food can cause high rate of blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

How to lower your sodium intake:

  1. Instead of processed food opt for the whole food
  2. Purchase food products which have least amount of sodium.
  3. Have portion control. Overeating may lead to high sodium intake.


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