All you need to know about breast cysts



What are breast cysts?

Breast cysts are nothing but non-cancerous fluid filled sacs that occur on the breast when fluid fills an empty milk gland due to hormone fluctuations during your cycle. These are common and affect the women between the ages of 30 to 50.

Symptoms of Breast cysts:

We have summed up the symptoms of the breast cysts below. Give a quick read.

1. These cause pain especially before your period.

2. They move easily under the skin

3. These cysts may be rough and smooth, hard or soft.

Treatment for Breast cysts:

In general, the breast cysts require no treatment but if one feels uncomfortable with them, they can consult a doctor. Doctors can drain the fluid.

Important things to remember:

1. Breast cysts usually go away by themselves.

2. In case, if you feel that the cysts are growing bigger and causing pain, visit the doctor immediately.

3. These cysts do not increase the risk of breast cancer

4. But, we still recommend you to see the doctor right away if any kind of lump appears on the breast.

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