Here’s why you should sleep on your side



Sleeping on our back, prone on our tummy or sleeping on the sides make a lot of difference to our sleep. You can find certain postures in sleep are uncomfortable and you can sleep more comfortably in other postures. Some find ease at sleeping on their back, some sleep happily on the tummy and some sleep better when they lie down on the sides.


  1. Lessens Back Pain: Sleeping on the sides helps alleviate back pain.
  2. Aids digestion: Sleeping on your side can actually aid digestion by preventing stomach acid from rising and holding stomach contents in place better than if you were to sleep on your back or stomach.
  3. Keeps your brain function optimal: Sleeping on the sides help clear out toxins from your brain. It is a function that plays a key role in preventing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It helps the lymphatic system work better.
  4. Safe pregnancy: Sleep comes at a premium when one is pregnant. One cannot and must not sleep on the stomach.
  5. Reduces snoring: Sleeping on your side can reduce the snoring.
  6. Prevents sleep apnoea: Sleeping on the side alleviates helps in reducing the chances of having obstructive sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea is a potentially serious sleep disorder characterised by your breathing stopping and starting throughout the night. This condition can lead to other health problems such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and asthma.


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