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Physical Fitness

5 stretches to ease back and knee pain



5 stretches to ease back and knee pain

After long days spent sitting at a desk, running errands and taking care of chores at home, it’s common to feel aches and pains. Knee pain affects about 25% of adults and back pain is the leading cause of work limitations — a whopping 65 million Americans report a recent episode of back pain. So if you’re feeling achy, you’re not alone. But that doesn’t mean you have to live with it every day.

Low lunge

The low lunge helps stretch and relax the back while also loosening up the hips. Start in a kneeling position; step your right foot forward bending your knee and placing the bottom of your foot flat on the mat. Move your left leg behind you so that the top of your left foot is resting on the mat. Shift your left knee as far back as you’re comfortable. Extend your hands over your head and breathe.

Forward leg lifts

Forward leg lifts help loosen up the legs and knees. Standing straight, begin swinging your right foot forward while keeping the leg straight. Swing it up as high as you can before swinging down and behind you as far as you can. Feel free to hold onto a chair or the wall to remain steady. Switch legs after 10 swings.

Hamstring stretch

The hamstring stretch is a great way to relieve tension in your leg muscles, including your knees. Sit up with your legs straight out in front of you and bend your left leg so the bottom of your left foot is resting on the inside of your right thigh. Reach forward toward your ankle as far as you can until you feel the stretch in your hamstring. Hold for 10 seconds and then switch so the left leg is out in front of you and repeat the movements.

Wide leg forward fold

The wide leg forward fold stretches the whole back of the body, including the knees and back, making it the perfect stretch to incorporate into your routine. Standing up straight, spread your feet about 3-4 feet apart. Make sure your toes are facing forward and that your feet are parallel. Lift your arms above your head and breathe in before hinging at the hips and reaching your hands down toward the floor. You should feel a stretch in the back of the legs and a release in the low back.

Knees to chest

Knees to chest helps relieve back pain while stretching your glutes and hips. Lie down with your back on the ground, your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Using your hands, pull your right knee toward your chest while keeping your left foot on the floor. Hold before releasing and switching to your left leg.


Know what aerobic exercise does to your health




Know what aerobic exercise does to your health


Aerobic include activities of cardio like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling.By definition aerobic exercise means “with oxygen.” Your breathing and heart rate will increase during aerobic activities.Aerobic exercise helps in keeping your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy.

Aerobic activity can help you:

  1. Keeps excess pounds at bay
  2. Wards off viral illnesses
  3. Reduce your health risks
  4. Increases your stamina,fitness and strength
  5. Manages chronic conditions
  6. Strengthens your heart
  7. Keeps your arteries clear
  8. Boost your mood
  9. Stay active and independent as you age
  10. Keeps your mind sharp

Examples of aerobic exercises:

  1. Swimming
  2. Cycling
  3. Rowing
  4. Walking
  5. Using an elliptical trainer
  6. Running
  7. Jumping rope
  8. Performing high impact routines or step aerobics
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Physical Fitness

Stretching exercise: Types and benefits of stretching




Stretching exercise: Types and benefits of stretching


Stretching keeps the muscle flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joint, without it , the muscle shorten and become tight. Then , when you call on the muscle for activity, they are weak an unable to extend all the way that puts you at risk for joint pain, strains and muscle damage.

Types of stretching:

  1. Active stretching
  2. Passive stretching
  3. Dynamic stretching
  4. PNF stretching
  5. Ballistic stretching
  6. Isometric stretching
  7. Static stretching

Benefits of stretching:

  1. Decreases muscle stiffness and increases range of motion
  2. May reduce your risk of injury
  3. Helps relieve post-exercise aches and pains
  4. Improves posture
  5. Helps reduce or manage stress
  6. Reduce muscular tension and enhance muscular relaxation
  7. Improves mechanical efficiency an overall functional performance
  8. Prepares the body for the stress of exercise
  9. Promotes circulation
  10. Decreases the risk of low-back pain
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Physical Fitness

Sore Muscles? Here is how you can prevent them!




Sore Muscles? Here is how you can prevent them!

Do you love working out but worried about sore muscles? Well, you are not alone because that is how exercise functions. The best way we can deal this is by preventing sore muscles. But wondering how? Leave that to us!

In order to make you fall in love with the exercise even more, we have come up with this piece that helps you to learn different ways to prevent them. Read on.

  1. Stay hydrated: Drink as much as water possible because it flushes toxins out of the body, transports nutrients into the cells and helps regulate the body’s internal temperature.
  2. Get enough sleep: Because this will help your body to recover from everyday activities
  3. Take an epsom salt bath: Epsom salt soaks are great for supporting your muscles and boosting exercise performance, as epsom salt contains high levels of magnesium.
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